Nancy Bergeron, owner of Bellatudo, a high quality nail salon in Richmond, BC.

About Us

“I always had a vision of owning my own salon.”

“On a trip to Hawaii with my family in May 2019, we were wandering through all these beautiful, beachy stores— and I remember thinking that my salon would be beach-themed.

I purchased a photo of an octopus in one of the Hawaiian shops and when my husband asked me where I was planning to hang it at home, I answered him: “It’s for the new salon I’m opening.” He was shocked and looked at me like I was crazy, but by the end of June 2019, I was signing a lease in Steveston for Bellatudo Art & Beauty.

My vision was to create an art gallery and beauty salon; a place where people could come hang out and say hello, if they wanted to.

Six months in, the pandemic hit. It was unexpected and hard, but we survived— literally! And with a huge amount of respect and love for our loyal clients that supported us throughout.

Whether you’ve been to Bellatudo before or you’re considering coming in for your first experience, we will go out of our way to ensure your experience is unlike any salon you’ve visited before.”

— Nancy, Owner